
“Ayurveda - The complete knowledge for long life" or ayurvedic medicine is a system of traditional medicine native to India. In Sanskrit, the word Ayurveda consists of the words Ayu, meaning "longetivity", and Veda, meaning "related to knowledge" or "science". Ayurveda is a science dealing not only with treatment of some diseases but is a complete way of life. Ayurveda aims at making a happy, healthy and peaceful society.


Abhyangam is a form of Ayurvedic holistic healing massage therapy that involves massage of the body with large..

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Shiro Abhyangam

Shiro means ‘head’ & Abhyanga means ‘massage’. Thus it means Ayurvedic head massage with herbal oils...

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Shirodhara is the easiest way of calmness & rejuvenation. Shiro means ‘head’ & dhara means ‘flow’. It refers to pouring of warm...

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Pizhichil means squeezing. This massage involves squeezing of warm medicated oil from a piece of cloth that is periodically...

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Powder Potli

This massage is particularly useful in specific type of pain and diseases condition and can be advised for the whole body...

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Patra Potli

Patra Potli is a form of sweat therapy used to provide relief from pain and rejuvenate and strengthen the soft tissues...

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Navara Kizhi

Navara kizhi involves potli made up of specially cooked rice in cow milk and then massaged on the patient till contents of the potli...

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Avagaha Sweda

Avagaha Sweda is an ayurvedic method of sweating to remove toxins. In this the patient’s body is submerged in medicated...

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Sirovasti involves the application of specific lukewarm oil to the head for a specific period of time...

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Panchakarma Treatment

Panchakarma is the ultimate Ayurvedic detoxification of body and mind, which strengthens the immune system to restore health....

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